Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Knowing everything that I know now...

I would like to get into a time machine, and travel back to visit the confused freshman that was me all those years ago...

And I would punch the stupid bitch in the face.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Obligatory awkward moment of the week story. I'm so generous I even bolded the awkward for you:

Earlier that week:
Prof: Ok, your paper is due tomorrow at 3. Don't do it the last minute! I'll have the dropbox outside by office - so just come on by. DON'T TURN IT IN THE LAST MINUTE! Your work quality really suffers.

Later that week, at around 2:50:
Me (about to drop paper in dropbox when OUT POPS THE PROF): AH! Um, hi!
Prof: Hi! What's your name?
Me: Oh, Jenny...
Prof: Hi Jenny, turning in your paper?
Me: Yeah... haha turning in some last minute work (Why did I say that?)
Prof:... okaaay...
Me: *nervous laugh*


Prof: Jenny right?
Me: Yeah.
Prof: Thanks Jenny.
Me: *shuffle shuffle shuffle away*


Ok, I should update here. Nothing really to say though....

In the past week, I've had fun ...
Watching more Firefly with the usual suspects
Playing Frisbee at night
Drinking at a bar (once again bringing our own food... First Gouda, then Soy chips, what next?)
Playing Cranium
Watching some House
Cafe-ing and borrowing comic books hehe
Visiting my old employer from summer
Cleaning my room, yes! Pictures forthcoming.

I kind of hope my friends don't get tired of me hanging out with them almost every day this week.

I did not have fun...
Writing a 3 page Spanish movie review while having a bad day
Writing an MCB paper
Studying for MCB
Writing in general
Self-diagnosing myself with the DSM-IV

Over Spring break...
I got a manicure and a facial
Caught up with my hs teacher
evaded work
Saw my aunt and uncle
Planned out Asia trip with Erica
Read a lot

I'm RIDICULOUSLY excited about going to Asia this summer - Japan China Taiwan WHUT?! Hopefully I'll even see Sun while in China!

I might be doing an UCSF backpacking trip! It's been a while, so maybe I should get back into practice. It's funny, I hated being active in high school and I still suck tremendously at running but I am 200000 times more active than I was back then.

I was talking about this with someone, and they said they don't like to visit HS because they hated who they were back then. I agree.


I really want to do one of those "go off on your own and discover yourself" things. There's just a whole lot of things I want to figure out and fix about myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm more or less content with life, but some things just aren't quite right... and I've got to try to improve before I go into my high stress job, or even begin to think about helping others. I can be so much more than what I am now if it weren't for certain traits.

I WILL figure this out, gawdammit.
Sorry for being vague.