Sunday, April 23, 2006


Well, that's over. It went well, or okay. No surprises. Basically the same that I've been doing all along, so i kinda already know what to expect on the score. *knocks on wood for 5000th time*

Funny thing tho, before my one hour lunch break, the proctor said "for the next section, black pens ONLY." So I was like yeah, whatever, but during lunch I checked my bag for black pens.

I found only blue pens.
AH! Found a black pen... no ink.
Student store was closed.
Fuck fuck fuck.

Later: Found black pen, crisis averted.

Sorry that was the most exciting thing that happened.

Other than that:

Thanks to everyone for even just wishing me good luck. It meant a lot, I know it sounds stupid, but it did make me feel more confident. I was surprised at how many people actually said something at all. And obviously thanks to my best friends for pep talks, driving me around, and keeping me from freaking out.

This is sentimental of me, but my friends are really giving people, and I think I take that for granted sometimes.

Thank you.

Alright, I sound like an Oscar acceptance speech. I'm going to go before they cut to the commerical break now.

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