Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Home report:

MartiniMonday: Me, a martini, half a bloody-mary. Bye!

Rest of the week: stressing about applications. Oh, and actually doing them, too

practiced mock interviews w/ Dad and mr. Cass. Dad was very demoralizing.

Interviews: 2, waiting for more *crossing fingers, whimper whimper*

David's mom was funny: "Has Jenny got... partner?"
My mom's watching his back too: "He should be doctor. Doctors are very liberal. Except maybe about economics. but liberal about other things"

Mostly I just hung out with people, though, nothing really exciting. Caught up on shit, mostly with other people, cause my life's pretty boring right about now.

Wished I spent more time with my brother. Dad was very cool and supportive about everything, but he was driving me a little bit nuts. Mom was asking too many questions about my applications, but mostly she was cool, too. They think I have a social life, but I think they're wrong. My dog had an eye infection, poor thing, and she was sneezing non-stop because of all the snot she has. She's getting old, and I'm a little bit worried about her.

Saw my grandma, too. I really wish I'd remember to call her more often.

OH! I went and bought some makeup. The girl at Clinique was super excited that I was totally new to the whole thing and was bouncing about in pure joy to enlighten yours truly. I actually like it - it's just foundation.


Came back to Cal:

Sunday night before school started: went clubbing with kevin. :) Was fruitless. Got my best shirt ruined, too, since someone got makeup on it. Was still fun though! There was this guy at the club that was totally getting unwanted attention, and he was making all these "OH GOD, HELP ME" looks at me. I should've helped him out, but he ran away when his unwanted attention giver started making out with him. I had a greasy old fat short and smelly man grinding up against me. It was SO disgusting. His manboobs were like, ugh, I feel so violated.

So, things are a lot tougher actually now that there's class AND I still need to finish up my apps and I have interviews, but other premeds have to deal w/ that shit too. I only have a few more to do, but I've just been so damned tired, worn out and demoralized. I got some feedback on one of my essays, and I was pretty unhappy with it, cause the content was basically crap, and I felt it was a little bit, iono, preppy ignorant-ass rich kid. Which, I guess, accurately describes me.

WOO that was a downer. Ok, I mean, I' m glad I'm getting work done though. By the end of this week, I'll be a free woman (hopefully, this stuff really can't stand any more putting off).

Hmmm already have an assload of hw - most of my friends don't. BAH.

Last year in college, kinda strange, it really DID seem like I just moved into my freshman dorm, sometimes, and other times, it felt like a zillion years ago. How'd we get here? I have lots of regrets, but I also had really good times, and some not-so-good times, but I was lucky enough to have friends and family to get my through my histrionic moments.

I just want something good to happen.

I'm also really hungry right about now, and I have class at 9... OY.

Oof, posting late night makes me boring and pensive, happy stupid post next time.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I've been practing my interviewing skills with friends and family and I realized that I am totally and utterly fucked.

fucked like a goat.
"Jenny, I know I will be able to tell if you ever like me 'that way'."
"Yeah? How"
"I'll get an email from your uncle."

Thanks, Joey.


"No one ever congratulates us for getting through another day, for staying alive. Congratulations, you're still breathing."


"The stuffed animals have to go. I want an adult house. Not a stunted adult house."

just quotes, I have nothing to say. If I do talk, I'll start rambling about med schools and you'll all want to claw your eyes out.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Ahhhh I screw up so often that i feel like my life is just a series of damage control events.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

*mutter mutter*

I'm such a pissy little bitch right now.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I don't like birthdays.

1. It's when you find out who cares about you, and sometimes you find out that no one cares about you. I'm not saying me, or only me, or whatever. But it's very true, and especially horrible for people who aren't all that popular or likable. It's kind of like "on this day, if you weren't born, the world would be a better place."

2. You're dying slowly by the minute, why are you celebrating! WOO! My body's decaying by the minute, I'm slowly moving towards the earthen tomb and decomposition.

3. I don't like cake.

And the worst part is: I keep all my birthday cards.

Monday, August 14, 2006

I learned that swallowing pills with soda is generally a bad idea.
Improv updates:

All I have to say is, anyone who hasn't done it but thinks it looks fun should definitely give it a shot even if you're like "oh, I'm not funny, etc etc etc." I hate to sound like one of those self-help books testimonials, but seriously, the whole process makes you react differently to just... stuff in life. A lot of forgiving yourself for mistakes and just letting loose and all that. Anyway, I'm rambling.

In other news, med school apps are coming along swimmingly. (though I had a vicious run-in with the evil evil formatting of online forms that made all my paragraphs run together like a pudding. I know how to fix that now though, STILL, it's obnoxious dot com). I got some interviews (very very few, *prays they'll keep coming in*), and I'm pretty happy w/ how the process is going so far.

i also implemented those things where comments have to be verified as to avoid those dinky ads. Suck it!

School's bout to start. Looking forward to a wonderful year with no social life. I think I've become seriously more and more of a hermit as college goes on. As time becomes more and more precious, you realize that you want to spend time with the people who are worth it; I just have no time anymore for even my close friends.

Welp, I'm just cruising along. Cruise cruise.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Lies upon lies!

Weeee visited friends and went hiking and got lost.

Screwed up multiple times at work.

Improv workshop starts Thurs!

that is all.

I'm going for simplicity.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

I like how people spam blogs now with the whole degree earning shit. It's quaint in a sociopathic sort of way.