Monday, August 14, 2006

Improv updates:

All I have to say is, anyone who hasn't done it but thinks it looks fun should definitely give it a shot even if you're like "oh, I'm not funny, etc etc etc." I hate to sound like one of those self-help books testimonials, but seriously, the whole process makes you react differently to just... stuff in life. A lot of forgiving yourself for mistakes and just letting loose and all that. Anyway, I'm rambling.

In other news, med school apps are coming along swimmingly. (though I had a vicious run-in with the evil evil formatting of online forms that made all my paragraphs run together like a pudding. I know how to fix that now though, STILL, it's obnoxious dot com). I got some interviews (very very few, *prays they'll keep coming in*), and I'm pretty happy w/ how the process is going so far.

i also implemented those things where comments have to be verified as to avoid those dinky ads. Suck it!

School's bout to start. Looking forward to a wonderful year with no social life. I think I've become seriously more and more of a hermit as college goes on. As time becomes more and more precious, you realize that you want to spend time with the people who are worth it; I just have no time anymore for even my close friends.

Welp, I'm just cruising along. Cruise cruise.

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