Friday, September 15, 2006

Update on LIFE!

So: I'm pretty happy with my interviewing stuff for med school - though I'm never gunna be at school and I'm going to fail out. hehe. I mean, that's not funny. So far I'm doing pretty well, I haven't been rejected YET (life's not perfect, but it's been pretty good so far).

I feel it's ok to celebrate here: I got an interview at Vanderbilt, UCSD, UMichigan, NYU, and UCSF! I also did a phone interview w/ Mayo last week - that was scary. We'll see if they want me back for round two... oy.

Project Runway:

I reaaaaally like Laura, she's so cool. A lot of people say that she's a bitch tho :(, and yeah, she is, but she's like "I'm not gunna put up with your shit," type of "bitch" not really the "I'm drama drama drama."

WHY THE FUCK did they bring those two back. It was horrible. Though Vincent is hilarious. His delusions of grandeur are the best thing I've ever seen. Angela is just kinda, sad. She makes me sad.

And Jeff, the guy with the tattoo on his neck, is so annoying. BLAH. His whole I'm a rockstar drug addict bullshit, oh shut up, you whiny little ... *mutter mutter*

I read a short story on how this coach in the Little League paid one of his players to knock out a mentally disabled kid (who was also a player) so that the team could win. What a dumb prick. It's the little leagues, not the world championship. It's so Tonya Harding except 200000 times more stupid. People like that, I'm just like, why are you such an inhuman horrible person?

I don't believe in the death penalty nor do I really trust in our justice system, but, sometimes, I wish that they had capital punishments like "swift kick in the balls x number of times."

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