Saturday, January 13, 2007


no posting in a while. I think this is the first time I didn't post for this long on this blog. Anyway, break's been really really good, hence the absence. I think I really needed the break from the topsy-turvy-ness that was my fall 2006 semester.

Anyway, I had a lot of downtime, and as I had promised myself, I played lots of FF XII and watched season 1 of HOUSE (though the last DVD broke. It made me so sad, so I have to see it when I get back to school).

Hung out with friends, visited Joey in San Diego and she visited me up in PV. Ummm went to Hollywood a few times, once for clubbing and once for touristy things. And then we went to a hat shop! My head's too big for hats.

Visited family, saw people and went and did things, etc etc.

I think the highlight of my vacation must be, and I admit this sounds a little "old woman", but is to hang out with my mom and dad. Getting coffee every morning with my dad was really relaxing and just nice to talk to him and realize that he's a real person. I know it sounds silly, but pretty often parents seem like, well, parents, and at least for me it was easy to forget that they have political and religious views and opinions, and of course, lives. It was a good way to get to know him, I feel. That part made me never want to leave home.


Back at school now. Iono, some of my classes are kind of disappointing, but at least they aren't all. My schedule works outkind of weird, and I'm feeling mixed about it. I have one class on Friday, but it's mandatory attendance etc etc, but ohhhhh 3 day weekend! SO TEMPTING to just drop it.

Mel came to visit for a few days, and that was nice. Having her meet my friends and I met her friends, etc etc. Went on a power SF trip - Pier 39, Ghiradelli Square, Chinatown, Metreon and whatnot.

On the first day of school, I told on of the flyering/tabling people that I can't join his club because I have rabies. That was oddly satisfying for some reason.

I'm keeping a busy semester this year - doing all the things I meant to do but didn't have the time to. I think it'll be good for me - I was pretty stressed out for basically... the entirety of 2006.


New Year's Resolutions:

1. Be less judgmental
2. More social
3. More assertive
4. relaaax
5. Run regularly instead of intermittently, and this goes for EVERYTHING I DO AHHHH
6. Be on the meat market again. Heh. :) Well, mostly kidding, it's my last semester so this type of thing doesn't really even matter anymore, personally.
7. Don't fail Spanish
8. Clean my room.
9. less self-conscious
10. Lose 5 pounds. Gain more muscle mass.
11. Read books and keep up with news
12. Not be a perfectionist though I think I fail that already by making 12 new year's resolutions that I probably won't keep.
13. Less emo. Which leads me to...

Ok we all get emo, we all get sad, depressed, whatever. I have a tendency to be pretty damn emo, but I feel weird (now... this didn't used to be the case) about posting that kind of crap on a blog. I mean, it's a public place, however journal-esque it is, and really, there's more (unbelievably) to me than that. So what I do is write it down somewhere and store it so NOBODY WILL EVER SEE IT except me, duh. And I read one today, and I actually couldn't keep on reading it. It made me really embarrassed. It's just funny how that works.

Still, it's nice to know where you've been, where you're going, and just think of all the events that make you who you are.

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