Monday, June 04, 2007

Adventure back home

Story from around a week ago:

Went jogging/running with Vicky after getting back into PV, around where the lighthouse is around here. Was pretty good, but I was pretty out of shape. And nearing the end of the run (or perhaps it was more like the middle, but regardless, it quickly became the end, because...), I noticed something sliding and slipping off of my neck.

It was my necklace, for those of you who probably know, I always wear a necklace with a jade piece on it. Not much of a jewelry person, but the jade piece is my 18th birthday present from my grandmother. Protects me from evil and such.

I pulled the chain from my neck and noticed that, oh shit, no jade piece was on it. One of the links had snapped and the jade piece had slipped out somewhere along the trail.

No, it couldn't have happened while I was sitting around, or at a coffee shop, it had to happen, while on a trail, and who the hell knows where it was?

So we retraced our path, back and forth, checking the sign posts, looking at the ground, and asking people. (There are some really nice elderly ladies walking around who wanted to help, but there was an awkward moment where these group of 3 women looked at us for 2 seconds and kept on walking).

Finally, we went to the whale watch center (yes we have a whale watching center), and nope, no luck there. But we did get suckered into a tour by a lady who was very very earnest about "the clever Indians" who used to live in our area before, well, you know. (was mildly offended, but that's just me)

Oh right, no necklace.

Walking kinda disgruntled out of the center, I noticed this slight chill against my sternum. A slight, dime-sized, jade-piece sized chill.

It was in my bra.

The entire time.

I lost a piece of jade in my boobs.

And I didn't realize for an hour.




RoseInBloom said...

Doesn't bother me at all! I think it's HILARIOUS! Happens to me all the time and my boobs aren't even that big!

Siamsa said...


Mitchell said...

interesting blog Jenny...but funny story!! =)