Saturday, March 01, 2008

Since my life starting medical school, I've had a lot less to report on my blog. The reason is mostly because, awkward things still happen to me by the bucket-full, of course, but it all involves people I know, professors, classmates, patients, so it's not something I can really write about on my blog, though many events are even more humiliating and uncomfortable than they ever were in high school and college. After all, anything you put online becomes public knowledge.

So, I'll share some stories from high school instead.

In high school, as some of you may be well aware, I wore two things - well, make that three - mom jeans, Hawaiian shirts, or baggy wolf t-shirts. Yes. My entire Chadwick experience can be summed up in those three items of clothing: painful to look at, but yet you can't stop staring.

1. Remember when... I went up to every single person I saw, and asked them what a nougat was. And waved my half eaten Milky Way bar in their faces, "What I don't get is, what's a nougat? Why is it brown?" my mouth filled with chewed chocolate, saliva, and filth.

2. Running around campus screaming "Shit! Fuck! I hate everything! Fuck! Fuck!" Incidentally, that was also last week. And every week before and after that.

3. Squirting blue Gatorade out from my nose in front of one of my crushes in high school.

4. I dented 2 Lexus's (Lex-i? Lexi? Lexii?) in the period of 1 month. Tally that up to a grand total of 4,000 bucks.

Actually, I don't have any terribly humiliating experiences that I haven't blocked from my mind completely, so feel free to send me an email or a comment if you remember anything from either your high school experience... or mine.


5. Yelling "Their faces were just in each other's pussies all night long!" in a public place was not the best decision I've ever made.

Eventually, somehow I made it to the runoff for class VP.


Oh another one - I rapped along to Eminem, actually thinking that I was cool. This wouldn't be any less embarrassing than any other prep school student's existence, except that I did this in Art History class my senior year.

I'll take my baggage of shame and move this way now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe after college i'll be able to look back at my awkward moments and laugh. =)