Sunday, June 21, 2009

In my ongoing quest to become a vaguely competent doctor, I decided that I really need some help with the ophthalmoscope. For those of you who are unfamiliar with it, it's a little handheld flashlight thing that doctors (and I) use to look at your eyes, and get so uncomfortably close to your face so that I can molest your face with my tongue. Just kidding. Awkwaard.

Anyways, who better to ask than my mom, the eye doctor? So, onwards to....


“I need you to be the guinea pig.” Mom said to Dad, “I need to teach Jenny how to use the ophthalmoscope so she won't look stupid.”

“It's for my career.” I added helpfully.

My father reluctantly agreed, and so today, we went to my mom's clinic together. “This is my father's day present for Jenny,” He said, wearing the banana republic shirt I got for him, “I'm donating my body to science.”

It went along fine, with me being expectedly horrid, and with my mom getting annoyed by the minute.

As if it wasn't enough to have my mom giving me commands, halfway through, my father (not a doctor) decided that it was father's day, and on father's day, he gets to be a doctor too. “You're holding it wrong,” “You're pointing it at the wrong place,” and, my favorite, “I bet I can do this better than Jenny can. Maybe I should go to medical school.”


Mom: Wow, I didn't expect you to be this bad at it.


My dad, as a joke, put an eyepatch on to scare my brother. “Jenny was so bad that she poked my eye out and now I'm blind.”

Mom: “Your father made a noble sacrifice, because there is no way I'm letting Jenny touch any of my patients.”

Happy father's day, everyone!

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