Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I should be studying.

Anyway, nothing really.

Just some regrets really, but i'm actualy in a pretty good mood.

To list them off

1. not doing sports in high school
2. not doing anything really "new" or "scary" to me in college. I.E. not taking risks
3. acting like a total douchebag to certain people and hence burning bridges
4. not keeping my room clean
5. rejecting people before they reject me (cliched, i know, but I realize I do this a lot)
6. reading too much anoncon livejournal, going on facebook too much, going on AIM too much!!!!!!!!!!!

Hopefully will change that. 3 can't really be fixed, but the other ones can. :)

EDIT: 1 can't be fixed either. Funny how I missed the total temporal distortion there.



Congrats to the seniors who'll be graduating this year! I'll miss you guys. But until then. PARTAY!!!!

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