Friday, June 23, 2006

Med school ap primaries: sent. Fingers crossed.
Alaska cruise: waking up at 4 fucking AM tomorrow
Note to self: need batteries for MP3 player
Video games: I'll miss you!
Bringing Books: Impro, Lolita, Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
Email access: yes. Hurray for the internet.
Sleep: now (10:55 pm)
Stress level: 100 (an hour ago)--> 0 (now)
Haircut: Today. Woo.
Wardrobe: atrocious
On a boat
Hope not to lose sanity.
Check ya'll later.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


I have an eye infection

and my left eye is swollen up like a tennis ball now. A pink tennis ball.


Going to work with my swollen eye now.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Okay! So many posts in one short time period - hey blogs are supposed to be inconsistent, right?

So update #1: MCAT scores. I'm preeeetty happy with it. It was way higher than I expected it to be, and the best I've ever done on it (when comparing it to the practices). To note: the score isn't like "zomg ur a geeenius", but it's pretty good. Think of it as high 1400's low 1500's on the SATs. (Tangent: called my dad, and was like "Guess what I got on my SAT?" Well, obviously someone hasn't dealt with her issues) My ESSAY score, however, was pretty lame. My essays, as usual, blew ass. But it wasn't TOO bad, I've done worse. It's passable. I wasn't expecting to do THAT well on the essays, anyway.

Update #2: Goin on vacation for 2 weeks starting Thurs night, wooooo! First it's off to Alaskan cruise on Sat for about a week. Then it's back down to LA for another week to just chill. I'm not sure who'll be back home, but let me know. I think most people are gone at that time, so it's just some quality downtime for me.

Update #3: Summer's goin pretty well. Work is okay (I'm not as excited about it now as I was before. It's a bit boring, but it's not bad or anything). I screw up constantly at work, but it hasn't caused too much hatred directed at me, yet. So it's good I'm leaving for 2 weeks. Pretty good times w/ friends up here too. Though a lot of the times, when I get home from work, all I want is to curl up in bed and sleep. So I basically am dead monday through thursday. Weekends are generally pretty good, though. Always something to do.

Update #4: Finally done with my med school ap. Thanks to everyone who helped on the essay. Already it's going to cost us around 800 bucks. Ack.

This was the most boring entry ever. But hey, bored people are boring people? What did that ol' addage say? I forgot. "If you're bored, then you're probably boring"? eh, I forgot.

Monday, June 19, 2006

I got my MCAT scores back.


Sunday, June 18, 2006

Ok, so I've gone without mentioning how "GHEY GAY GGAAAY LESBIAN" I am for a few months. In fact, I don't really talk about it much on this blog. Or any blog, really. I have had people tell me that what they like about me is that "you're not all in-your-face about being gay. I like how you're not such a stereotypical dyke."

Personally, I find that offensive.

It's like being told "I like you. you're not like those OTHER black/Asian/Jewish/whatever people. I like you because you don't have to be all in my face about it."

It's annoying. I'm sure many of you out there reading this are minorities, and I don't know if you feel the same way I do, but what IS wrong with identifying with something? No, it shouldn't be the ONLY thing that you are, but at the same time you shouldn't have to feel ashamed to bring it up.

I hate it when people say "I don't mind gay people, but why can't they just keep to themselves? Why must they have these parades? I don't want to see that"

I guess being at Berkeley has made me more insulated in that I expect everyone to be liberal. Or at least PC. Everytime I hear "fag" or "that's so gay" I think "what?" and want to telepathically will said person under an oncoming semi.

It's kind of scary, since I've been working at my job over the summer, and it reminded me how heterosexual everything was. nearly all my berkeley friends are gay, and all my straight friends at home are obviously not homophobic. It just scares me how dangerous it's going to be being out, and how much courage I can have to face it.

I've been going through a dilemma on whether or not to be out on my med school applications (since I do some clubs at cal). I've decided to be out. I'm scared that it'll ruin my life, but I'm also scared that not doing so would ruin my life as well.

It's ridiculous when people say it's a choice. I would love to be straight and just fit in. It doesn't quite work that way.

"If you feel so strongly, why don't you talk about it all the time?" Well, that's not really all there is to me. I get speeding tickets (heh), I have funny/sad/awesome things happen to me in school, I had the MCATS, I procrastine, basically things other than the fact that I'm a lesbian. This IS a personal blog after all.

*steps off of soap box*

whew, I think that's the most opinionated you'll hear me for a while.

the only other thing I get this riled up about is the obnoxious emo poetry girl :)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Yeah, I'm writing a blog post at work, how badass.

Actually, I'm just waiting for some experiments to finish running. Wow, yeah, so there's really nothing much to say considering my life's been pretty much the same/boring.

Well, I just paid for my entire 4.00 lunch in CHANGE. how ghetto is that? The cashier was like "..." Heh heh

Weekend's looking fun :) But I'm stressed out about med school aps >.<

I had a freakout session on Tuesday or Wednesday, I think? But then people chilled me out and then I calmed down.

Okay okay, i'll make some attempt at resusitaing the blog.

A) I really really like "Lost". Now, I'm not one to get addicted to tv shows, really, because I don't have that much interest in it.


You know, when I become interesting again, I'll let you all know. But for now, I'm just going to watch the centrifuge spin in a circle . Woooooo!

Things that make me happy:

hours-long marathon of tv shows heh heh

I live for the simple things
and porn, I also live for porn. Except I jsut lied - I, and most people won't believe me, have never watched porn from beginning to the end. I get bored. I'm serious. Really, what does it do for me? Seeing two other people get it on, oh, that's great, that's great for you, way to remind me of my own impotency. When you think about it, why would anyone even like it?

one word: Vicariousness

which, i'm not sure, if it's a word I just made up

vicariosity? :)

summer's REALLY bad for blogging cause nothing ever happens.