Sunday, March 04, 2007

Best weekend ever:

1. Sitting around all afternoon bumming around with Joey and Mike
2. Beer at Loony's! Never been there before, actually, it's actually a really awesome place.
3. Men's Octet w/ Theresa and Grace. I really really liked the Octet's version of "I Will Follow You Into the Dark." it was so damned pretty. I'm sad that I'll be missing ICCA, though :(
4. Clubbing with Wayne and Rey. I had sooo much fun just dancing around. No prospects, of course. But around halfway in, we started smelling the most amazing grilled onion smell in the world. When we left, we saw that there was this shady van sitting outside the club with two guys making hot dogs with onions. It smelled so good but I didn't get any since it was from these guys with a sketchy van. Rey did though, and apparently it had bacon on it. BACON ON HOTDOGS. OH MY GOD. That is the most amazing thing i've ever heard. Instead, though, we ended up going to Jack in the Box (or was it carl's junior) and got a milkshake and bacon hamburgers. Then we drove up past Lawrence Labs and watched the city lights and ate our food and just chatted. It was great.
5. Jack! Cassie brought her dog, a chihuahua mix, and I got to play with him Saturday morning. I took like, a million pictures, because he was the most adorable thing in the world. He can jump three times his height. The only thing was that he freaked out when we took him to Strada and had to tie him outside. AHH WHAT A CUTE DOG
6. Rugby game - I wasn't too into it at first, I admit, because I didn't understand the rules and it was moving quite slowly. So I went home and took a short nap, then came back and watched a really really exciting match. It was really hardcore. It's like football but faster and less protection.
7. Then went up the campanile with Joey and Mike (i'm such a third wheel). I don't know, it was super pretty and I took a lot of pictures, and the last time I was up there was the beginning of sophomore year. It was also really sad, though, when I realized that I was graduating. I saw all the buildings and had a little memory (or a lot of memories) about almost all of them. The games, dorms, everything. Actually, I take it back, graduating is making me really sad. It's like it's my last shot at everything and after this it's all gone. I'll really miss this place. I have so many regrets about the place, but at the same time, I had so many awesome times. It all balances out, but sometimes I'm afraid I'll never have this type of happiness again. Anyway, enough of being a debbie downer, onto...
8. Frisbeeeee! I can't believe I didn't get exposed to frisbee until 2nd semester senior year. SO much fun. Played for hours and hours and I was getting better. I wanna get my own and play it all the time. Too bad it needs more than one person or else I'd just play all the time (by myself, I wonder how that'd even work).
9. Dinner with Cindy, yay! I felt bad that I wasn't able to stop a creepy homeless guy from groping at her food, though. That sucked.
10. Surprise bday party for my improv director! It was fun, and I was really excited to have done my first keg stand. It's like my college career is now complete.
11. Lots of rehearsal today - I'm feeling like I'm finally getting it. Too bad it's now and not like, 3 weeks ago that I got it. SIGH. Oh well, trying my best - I'm having lots of fun though.
12. Went wandering the campus with Rey after getting yogurt park tonight. We went up to La Loma and tried to get into the old dorm, but the door was locked and we couldn't get in. :( I guess we really just wanted to reminisce and remember our freshman year when we moved in. It went by so fast.... how did it all happen like that?

Super tired - I'm gunna sleep now.

I wish I were a freshman again so I would appreciate everything... and done things differently. I also wish that I wasn't chasing after girls so much (the urge pretty much stopped after my MCAT stress kicked in). I would've rather been single my entire career in college and had them as friends that I actually got to know and hang out with instead of just a bunch of pissed off and/or estranged ex's (or non-ex's, as the case may be ;) ).

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