Sunday, October 07, 2007

So I haven't had much time to write in here lately, mostly cause summer was pretty good but I didn't have much to report, and med school basically ate my life as soon I started.

Things are going well, I think I passed my last midterm. Sometimes I do feel a little bit off though, because the average age of med school students is 25, and I'm only 22. I feel that I don't really have as much maturity or life experience in comparison to everyone else, and a lot of the time I wonder if everyone else thinks I'm such a childish person. Anyhow, life is life, what can I do, right?

Sometimes I do kind of just want to run away though, and move to another country or another state or just some other place. I don't know what makes me feel this way. I just feel I don't fit in anywhere, and I'm not sure what going to another country would accomplish, but I think it would help me figure out my place in life. I feel I'm buckling down and basically have the rest of my life written out already, but I have no idea who I am or what kind of person I am. I find myself being slightly irritated just in general at almost everything, and a little distant from the rest of the world.

Blah, I guess I'm just living in my head, and I need to get out a little.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still having a good time with friends and things are going well with the family, but something feel missing. Anyway, first time I write in a while and it's a whiny emo post. Lo siento.

1 comment:

Mitchell said...

I feel the same way Jenny! No worries, you have me for 5 more years! Oh, the torture! =P