Friday, April 25, 2008

sick as a dog.

Had to get on the bus today to go downtown to sign a sublet thing since Joey is leaving us for greener pastures in LA. ( :( ) Normally getting on the bus is no problem, but I've been feeling dizzy and nauseous for the majority of the day. It's weird cause I felt fine before getting on the bus, and I haven't gotten ill on public trans since I moved up here. I was basically a miserable sick mess, so I ditched lab in the afternoon, as well as morning since that's when I had to go sign the thingie.

I'm not sure if it's allergies since it's spring, and that combined with the motion of the bus makes me sick, but it's been many many hours since I was last on a bus, and I still feel like I'm about to puke. Blah. Maybe I should get that drug for motion sickness.

Joey's leaving. I'm sad. Didn't hit me until today, I think. I expect next week to be hell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no, Jenny! Get lots of rest and drink fluids. feel better