Saturday, May 31, 2008

If I watch enough "In Treatment" episodes, I won't have to study the psychological disorders lectures.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Slightly more interesting post

My dad's obsessed with American Idol. He's been watching for several seasons now and likes to give me weekly updates on his favorite idol contender. The most recent season, he's gotten completely infatuated with David Archuletta. He's burned all the guy's competition songs onto not one, but 3 CDs each for a different car's CD player in the household. A conversation this afternoon about American Idol (or any conversation with him, actually) went a little like this:

Dad: So I don't think David Cooke's really the good idol. Archuletta is just so much more talented, and I don't understand how Cooke won the idol, but Archuletta's getting the better record deal. I even joined the fan club. You know...

Mom: Oh for God's sake, SHUT UP!

Dad: *quiet for 1 second* Anyway, as I was saying, I joined the fan club, and we all call ourselves the ArchAngels, get it? Cause it's ARCHuletta? Get it?

Mom: This is reminiscent of the time where your brother didn't own an IPod and we were forced to listen to Ricky Martin's "Cup of Life" on repeat for hours and hours in the car.
The great equalizer

I am of the belief that all Americans, no matter the color of their skin, become total and utter idiots when visiting another country in the company of other Americans. This is why I don't like being on guided tours.


Home has been nice. Went to JCrew (again), but this time my dad bought himself 200 dollars worth of new clothes because he "is having a midlife crisis, damn it. I get to do what I want." He even wants a convertible .

After watching Juno:
Mom: I can see why people think you're like Juno. You're both independent, talk back, and very very strange. I think Juno had Asperger's.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Medical school means classy humor

Me: I hope I won't kill anyone.
Bei: Cause then you'll get sent to prison, and get fucked up the ass with a broomstick.
Me: ...that's vulgar.
Bei: That's PRISON, BITCH!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Indigestion like a motherfucking bitch:

I had pizza without my lactaid, and now I'm in a fetal position with pain pain pain.

On a scale of 1-10, this is an 8.

I just popped 7 tums.



I listened to my stomach with a stethoscope, and it sounds like a someone drowning in river. Gurgle gurgle gurgle.

This sucks.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day

Me: Hi Mom!
Mom: Hey, how are you?
Me: Good, how was the dinner?

15 minutes of small talk later...

Me: Ok, bye mom!
Mom: Um... I just wanted to remind you...
Me: What?
Mom: Today's mother's day.
Me: *quiet* Oh. Um... sorry?
Mom: I guess I overestimated you.


*sending mom a belated Mother's day card*

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

This is my Woman post:

Yaaaaay funding!

I have the worst cramps in the world right now... i'm sure you all just wanted to hear about that.

Haven't exercised in a while, but one caveat of having large breasts is that when you run, your boobs hurt.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Mantras to follow:

"Touch lives, not children"