Sunday, January 29, 2006

Yay I have the best friend in the world!

Got my bday present from Mel on Friday afternoon. It was one of those cylinder poster boxes, and on one end it said "Open this end FIRST!" (the other end said "Wait! Open up the other end") So in it were these cookies, all with a letter on them. There were twenty one cookies that spelled out, what I thought at first was "Happy twenty first birthday!"

But then I checked with Mel, and it actually doesn't say "happy twenty first birthday" it said "Happy twenty first BITCH"

Thanks, Mel, you know how I like it.

but everyone who's had a cookie has liked it - Joey and Alex said so!

In other news, I've been drinking a liiiiiittle more than usual. unnnnhealthy!!


Man, things have been reaaaaaally a-changin this year. I gutta say, I'm pretty happy. :) But I'm ass behind on work. Behind... like ASS (get it? eh? eh?)


"wait, there's like... an Unsafeway?" - taken out of context, but still funny!

"Ew, like, what if you accidently ate some poo?"
"That's a dream I had that I would neither like to think nor talk about." - not taken out of context, just plain old disturbing.

"Wait so uhhh errrrr urrrrrrrrghhh arrrrrgh" - Alex, cause I don't think he remembers saying this.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Happy Birthday, Jenny Chen!

Thanks to everyone who dropped a line (call, AIM, stalkerbook/facebook)! It really meant a lot to me - EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. :) The funniest part is my parents forgot to call. It's ok, I feel the love.

Thanks for the free breakfast, Alex, lunch (yesterday) Cindy, dinner Wayne, and taking a ceremonial vodka shot w/ me, Joey. (Damn that did NOT go down easy, but thank you Vicky [the Hsu sisters? whatever, it's weird calling ya'll that] for the Stoli).

I'll figure out a time to have a time to properly celebrate and get every one wasted (or just me, because that's what REALLY matters. heh heh.)

Acapella show this Sat night! HELLLLLLLS YES!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

So i'm writing in my blog right now. I'm kinda drunk; in fact, I don't think I can walk in a straight line right now. I went to Joey's rugby friend's party and Rey's party (same party) today, and it was really fun. I'm also kind of drunk. But wait I said that already. It was really really fun! I had to leave early, cause I have MCAT classes from 9-5 tomorrow, and that's like, lame to the

So things I do when drunk

1. Randomly friend people on facebook
2. Run into tree branches
3. Run into walls
3. Run into people.
4. Get all touchy-feely - I'm not normally a touchy feely person.
5. Get sleepy.
6. More outgoing
7. Turn into a delightful shade of Christmas red... ALL OVER.

The end
*passes out*
The end

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Haha, ummm due to various questions, "emo slam poetry girl" is not a romantic interest, thank God. She was an obnoxious random person we ran into in the local coffee shop. I wrote a 5 page rant on how much I hated her, but then I realized I wasted a perfectly good blog entry on a random douchebag on the street (in the coffee shop). Also, it was not one of my best entries. Plus, many people have a hard time grasping my pure unadulterated hatred for this person, so I would just look mildly stupid. Trust me, if you were there, you'd be overwrought with loathing, too.

Anyway, school has started. This has got to be the one semester that I look forward to the least in all my time at Cal, mostly because of MCATs. Also, as I sat in every single one of my classes, I was falling asleep in each and every one of them. No academic excitement either.

Turning 21 soon, yay! I guess if I don't get smashed, I'd be doing something immoral or perverse. Too bad my bday falls on a fucking monday. But I'd be much obliged if someone will take me to a gay bar, please.

Random notes:
1. you know that pop song MmmBop? It actually has lyrics! Wow!

2. MRAAAAH dot com

3. Man, I just wish I had the balls to ask for what I want.

4. More insecure than usual lately. But any more detail goes on the angsty blog.

5. But Erica cheered me up.

6. I need to learn to cook.

7. Say "yes". Just do it. It's good for your health.

8. So someone tagged a really ugly picture of me on facebook, and I kind of want to untag it, but I don't want to offend the person who put it up. But now that I've said that - you're all going to look at it. So I guess I won't untag it, since you'll all see my ugliness in FULL FUCKING GLORY. (God it's an ugly picture I swear to god)

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

I'm over how much emo slam poetry girl sucked.

Monday, January 09, 2006

So Theresa has been harassing me about posting about our shopping day. She really wants for 5 seconds of fame.

So we went shopping and I bought pantstheend lolthxbye.


Just kidding.

We met up at Red Brick Pizza, where I wanted something with olive oil, but then i ended up dumping off all the olive oil out. (Olive oil in my pizza, not just solid olive oil). And she got a meatworks pizza, cause she likes meet. uh. Meat. Damn.

Then we were very domestic and went to that place that sells stuff. Like bedposts and blinds and stuff. We discussed the merits of 4 post beds. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you probably don't want ot know. Theresa's a perv.

Then Theresa picked me a reallly good pair of jeans from da Gap omgyaykekekeke. But then I found out my mom bought me jeans from Banana Republic.

Today we went to eat lunch w/ Brenden Theresa and Alex. I almost killed Theresa (or both of us) on the ride there, and the shrimp for lunch was good. I like fried things.

I was reading up on astrology today for 5 minutes, when I realized that I was being a total tool. So I stopped, and felt guilty.



uhh don't take that seriously. EVER.

Friday, January 06, 2006

So today was Erica's bday party

Was really fun! I got a really cute UNIQUE cactus. It's actually in my car right now.... I should probably go save it. Erica's gunna flip out when she reads this. At least I'm better than David; he dropped his on the floor.
And Andes mints... mmm.....

David got Erica a funny card - it goes something like "I hope for beauty and grace during your time of corporeal decay." Ahh yes. But she got really kickass presents, especially the charm bracelet from her parents - it's pretty hardcore.

The food was really good ( Red Onion) and OMG I'm so full. IT was really awesome of her parents to pay for it.

Afterwards, Erica me and Mel went back to Erica's place and watched Crash (the 2nd time for me). Yup, it's still a good movie.

Ahhhh won't see home friends for a while... again! Laaaaame.

Oh so I almost died today. The car's break wouldn't go, so I wasn't stopping while rolling down hill. SO I threw the car into park. And then I stopped. Yay!

The end.

It was really really fun - Happy bdayErica!

Monday, January 02, 2006

I did have one of those long posts where they (these ephemeral "them") pose some questions, and i answer them. Then I realize that my answers were all too boring.

"So what'd you do for Christmas?"
I... I don't remember actually.
Actually come to think of it, I think I saw movies.
And yes, maybe I picked my fingernails a little.
I breathed.

Exactly. THat's why I can't answer those damn quizzes.

I can't really be funny lately, cause nothing's interesting has happened.

Um I went to the Grove with Zac and Mel a week ago. That was pretty exciting. Zac payed for a French dinner with mediocre souffle, um, we walked around and made fun of things. I think he was hitting on the olive oil saleswoman, but I wasn't sure.

Eh, me and David would mill around places and made snarky comments about people. I take joy in being insensitive and cruel, but only when I'm around David. We make misanthropy funny! Or maybe he does, and I'm just a bitch.

I do the same thing with my mom, actually, which is kind of creepy.
Yes, around Saturday, my mother DID say, "Is it me, or is 'ugly' in?" It was really hilarious.
To which I replied in my self deprecating way, "Maybe someone will want to take me home."
She patted me on the shoulder.

Theresa and I went shopping, and bought pants and a shirt. I need to get them altered/hemmed though. (There, Theresa, you're in my blog now. Hang out with me more so I actually have an interesting story about you).

New Year's my family got together, and it was really fun. THe food was sooo good. David came over later and we chilled.

I've been having an irregular sleeping schedule.

Oh, I have a new haircut, if anyone's curious.