Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Happy Birthday, Jenny Chen!

Thanks to everyone who dropped a line (call, AIM, stalkerbook/facebook)! It really meant a lot to me - EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. :) The funniest part is my parents forgot to call. It's ok, I feel the love.

Thanks for the free breakfast, Alex, lunch (yesterday) Cindy, dinner Wayne, and taking a ceremonial vodka shot w/ me, Joey. (Damn that did NOT go down easy, but thank you Vicky [the Hsu sisters? whatever, it's weird calling ya'll that] for the Stoli).

I'll figure out a time to have a time to properly celebrate and get every one wasted (or just me, because that's what REALLY matters. heh heh.)

Acapella show this Sat night! HELLLLLLLS YES!

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