Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Haha, ummm due to various questions, "emo slam poetry girl" is not a romantic interest, thank God. She was an obnoxious random person we ran into in the local coffee shop. I wrote a 5 page rant on how much I hated her, but then I realized I wasted a perfectly good blog entry on a random douchebag on the street (in the coffee shop). Also, it was not one of my best entries. Plus, many people have a hard time grasping my pure unadulterated hatred for this person, so I would just look mildly stupid. Trust me, if you were there, you'd be overwrought with loathing, too.

Anyway, school has started. This has got to be the one semester that I look forward to the least in all my time at Cal, mostly because of MCATs. Also, as I sat in every single one of my classes, I was falling asleep in each and every one of them. No academic excitement either.

Turning 21 soon, yay! I guess if I don't get smashed, I'd be doing something immoral or perverse. Too bad my bday falls on a fucking monday. But I'd be much obliged if someone will take me to a gay bar, please.

Random notes:
1. you know that pop song MmmBop? It actually has lyrics! Wow!

2. MRAAAAH dot com

3. Man, I just wish I had the balls to ask for what I want.

4. More insecure than usual lately. But any more detail goes on the angsty blog.

5. But Erica cheered me up.

6. I need to learn to cook.

7. Say "yes". Just do it. It's good for your health.

8. So someone tagged a really ugly picture of me on facebook, and I kind of want to untag it, but I don't want to offend the person who put it up. But now that I've said that - you're all going to look at it. So I guess I won't untag it, since you'll all see my ugliness in FULL FUCKING GLORY. (God it's an ugly picture I swear to god)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I heart you ten tons.

That is all.
