Sunday, February 26, 2006

The meaning of friendship

So today I went to Joey's rugby game, and actually, rugby was really cool! It's like the good parts of football and basketball all combined. I reallly enjoyed watching it. but I'm getting sidetracked...

While trying to get a better view, I climbed to the top of a hill and watched the game with Joann. I was kneeling in front of a broken tree branch, and when I stood up, it carved a line into my butt. My ass crack is now 3 inches longer than it used to be. So there's this swollen red line on my ass right now - it's not very attractive.

Later, I went over to Alex's place to do some homework, and showed him and Brenden my battle scar. You know someone you know is a good friend if he washes the wound on your ass with alcohol, then iodine, then bandages it up.

I will admit, however, the fact that I was yowling and yelling bloody murder when Alex put the alcohol on probably made it sound like a bufu festival. And the frantic "You dropped it in my underwear?!" (the "it" in question is the bandaid) really amused Brenden, who couldn't see a thing.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

This is most definately an "I fail at life" story:

So... I just got back from taking my MCB 136 midterm. I left about half an hour early. Now... you're wondering "Is it your familiarity with the material?" "Are you a genius?" "Cause you're so damn cool like that?" No, not really.

I just really had to pee.

I didn't want to walk across like 10 people, then walk back, then leave again. So I skimmed over my work, and turned it in, politely inquired as to where the bathroom was, then bolted down the hall with my bastard bladder.

usually I have no problem w/ that bullshit, but I had not expected my bladder to commit such a heinous treachery that early in the morning (probably because I drank 2 liters of water the night before because I have a dry throat).

*is afraid of test results*

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Yay for unproductive Friday nights!!!!

So... Mike and Henry treated me to a belated birthday dinner last night at Joshuya's (I seriously thought it was pronounced Joshua's... but I guess I'm just uncultured and not authentic). SO MUCH SUSHI! And soooo sooooo SOOOOOOOO good. Thank you guys SO much! That was a delicious dinner, and it made me woozy (and funnier!). Then we went back to Mike and Henry's place w/ Rey and I got my ass kicked at mario kart (on gamecube), but not before we saw a strange dub of a Jackie Chan film, and I had a very very good waffle. YAY! Thanks :) Mike's hair looks amazing! He kept on insisting that he could see me with a man, though, what the pho?

Then I went back to watch the lesbian episode of Golden Girls with Joey and Joann. It was a good episode. Good times, good times.

So much for the 3 -4 hours of studying I was planning on putting in.

EDIT: So my closet door just fell down. I think this is supposed to be vaguely symbolic, except I'm out already.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

My day and week:


My ipod is officially out of commission... forever, and my warrenty doesn't cover it, and it'll prolly cost several hundred dollars to fix it. So I sez, I sez, "Fuck that shit, bitch, time to get me a new MP3 player." So yes, I overindulged, and bought myself a Creative Labs MP3 player. I love it; it has radio, and can record stuff, and I like that.

Was tutoring again today, and my lord was this child annoying. I've had to work with her for short periods of time in the past before, and I usually don't lose my patience in that period of time. But I had to work with her for about an hour today, and boy... she is such a brat.

She'd be doing something wrong, and whenever I point it out to her, she'd be like "I KNOW I KNOW I KNOW!" and throw her pencil at me. Luckily I wore glasses. She'd snatch the book out from under me, and often, when she screws up on her work, say "You MADE me do it! You screw everything up!" Then I'm like "okay, here's what you can do to fix that..." and she'd snap "I KNOW I KNOW!" then proceed to do it wrong again. Then sometimes she'd demand"do it for me" and I'm like "uh no" and she'd flip out and shout "You're MEAN MEAN MEAN! I hate you! You ALWAYS do this!" And it's not that she's bad at math or anything, she's just an annoying little brat. She always whines "help meeeeee" too when she wants me to erase something for her.

Sadly, I know people my age like this.

Mind you, most of the children that I tutor are little angels, or if they're unruly, they're still good kids on the inside. This little girl was just a spoiled little ARGHHHHHH... ANYWAY...

Hmmm... what else

Oh yeah, I'm convinced half of my MCAT class is retarded.

I have about 60 pages of reading to do for my MCB 136 class, and I want it done tonight.. but I haven't had dinner, and I is hungry like whoa. (Actually I did have dinner at around 4 pm... but I'm starting to hunger again. Man, these midnight snacks'll be the death o' me... MMMMMM bacon cheeseburger... urrrgggh arteries...) I have 2 midterms next week (tues and wed) and I'm not particularly worried, but I kinda need to get my ass on it and stop procrastinating. Oh yeah, I also have about 50 passages of MCATs to do... Guess how long each passage takes! 10 minutes. Yeah. I'm fucked.
(an hour later)
Mm so just got back from getting a bacon cheeseburger... yeah. I'm going to die at 25. So much for healthy... and productive... Aiiiiiyaaaa. Sleep now.


Want to (but probably won't):

1. Learn guitar
2. I gave up on the skateboard thing (that was shortlived.)
3. Finish doing all my work
4. Run and lift more regularly

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Mom quotes:

"There's this REALLY good movie I saw the other day. It was called 'Legally Blind.'"

"It's common knowledge that gay are nice, and lesbians have mental disorders." (and she was serious.)

"You have no game."


Joey's mom sent me a Valentine's Day box o' chocolate! Thank you!


Sorry to all my friends that I was so emo this entire week.


Friday, February 10, 2006


(Warning: Long entry... slightly less levity than my normal entries, but I'll try to keep it interesting and not whiny)

So on Tuesday I was volunteering at my elementary school, and I was speaking to this little 1st grade girl I was tutoring. She asked me how old I was, to which I replied "21", and she squealed "WOW! My mom's 24!" I guess she was really excited that her mom and I are about the same age, though I mostly just felt a little odd. She then continued "I'm really happy today! My dad's coming back."

"From where?" I said, thinking of a business trip.

"Jail." She said matter-of-factly, then continued, "Yeah, we're going to play Monopoly when he gets back. I can't do the money, but he can help me."

Monday, February 06, 2006

Emo Jenny Mix

Not actually in the real "emo" style of music.

1. Rockapella - Don't tell me you do
2. Silvio Rodriguez - Ojala
3. Brokeback mountain theme (I'm SO Jake Gyllenhaal)
4. Sarah McLachlan - World on Fire
5. Ne-yo - So sick
6. The ENTIRE Kelly Clarkson Breakaway album (yeah yeah, whatever)
7. Fall Out Boy - Sugar, We're goin down swinging
8. Dave- The Space Between
9. Guster - Either Way
10. Guster - Demons

I know, I'm laaaaame. But there is STILL no gratuitous whining on this blog yet!

My ipod miraculously works again though! (hopes hopes hopes... knock on wood!)

"If you can't fix it, you gotta stand it." - Brokebaaaack.