Thursday, May 04, 2006


So today went and tutored the kids. I only have a few weeks left, but they're SO CUTE. I'll miss tutoring my little 1st graders. :(

Hospital was okay. Today was employee appreciation day or whatever, so everyone got a free hot dog. I finished mine in less than a minute. mmmmm....

It's funny, actually. one of my friends a few months back compared how I dealt with love/relationships/whatever to how I eat. I scarf everything down all too fast, just like how I move too fast with most (if not all) people I've dated. If you've seen me eat, you'll notice that I scarf everything down with big bites and swallows. I can't help it! It's good! Of course, then i finish before everyone else, and sit there glaring resentfully at everyone. Maybe it's just coincidence, but my friend joked that from now on whenever she goes on a date, she's gunna watch how they eat. "If they eat like you, I'm gunna stay away from them. They might be a sleazeball" She said with a grin. So I'm a sleazeball. *sheepish* Little Jenny CHEN, A SLEAZEBALL.

If you want to take this metaphor even further, I also overeat. Several people can testify to this. I see something good, I'll eat and I'll eat and I'll eat until it hurts. It's happened several times that I end up lying in the car/bed/ground moaning "URRRRGHHHH WHY DID I DO THAT?" Or sometimes I'll go "God I'm full.... are you gunna eat that?" I just see (good) food and I EAT. It's like my instinct. Don't know where THIS metaphor goes (and I'm usually good at making far-fetched comparisons).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll testify: You eat fast and hard.

Even hot dogs.