Saturday, December 17, 2005

Well, now that the logistics have been taken care of. I'm going to blog now. Yay.

Christmas/holiday/ask-richass-PV-parents-for-unreasonable-presents Day, I want:

to play/buy lots of PS2 games. That's it, really. Not excited about much else.

Other stuff to do:

Drink. Booze.

Run. Run Run Run. Everyday. BTW - I need a running buddy next semester. Lemme know.

Learn to cook. Oh my god, I need to learn to cook. Preferably tofu.

New clothes. Need bad ass clothing. I.E. clothing to make me look more bad ass, and hopefully add a foot to my stature.

Haircut. I have big hair right now. BIG hair. Hightlights, maybe? parents disapprove. (or maybe SPIKE it, damn).

Clubbing. I want to hit up a gay club and a straight club. Gay club because it's more fun, and straight club to humor my hetero friends.

Weights. I've gotten tragically punier this semester.

Probably not gunna happen, but going backpacking for a few days sounds fun. Again, lemme know if you're interested.

See Brokeback Mountain.

Grow a beard. For my role as Mrs. Claus in a new dark comedy featuring Bill Murray and a talented goldfish playing the role of Rudolph.

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