Monday, January 02, 2006

I did have one of those long posts where they (these ephemeral "them") pose some questions, and i answer them. Then I realize that my answers were all too boring.

"So what'd you do for Christmas?"
I... I don't remember actually.
Actually come to think of it, I think I saw movies.
And yes, maybe I picked my fingernails a little.
I breathed.

Exactly. THat's why I can't answer those damn quizzes.

I can't really be funny lately, cause nothing's interesting has happened.

Um I went to the Grove with Zac and Mel a week ago. That was pretty exciting. Zac payed for a French dinner with mediocre souffle, um, we walked around and made fun of things. I think he was hitting on the olive oil saleswoman, but I wasn't sure.

Eh, me and David would mill around places and made snarky comments about people. I take joy in being insensitive and cruel, but only when I'm around David. We make misanthropy funny! Or maybe he does, and I'm just a bitch.

I do the same thing with my mom, actually, which is kind of creepy.
Yes, around Saturday, my mother DID say, "Is it me, or is 'ugly' in?" It was really hilarious.
To which I replied in my self deprecating way, "Maybe someone will want to take me home."
She patted me on the shoulder.

Theresa and I went shopping, and bought pants and a shirt. I need to get them altered/hemmed though. (There, Theresa, you're in my blog now. Hang out with me more so I actually have an interesting story about you).

New Year's my family got together, and it was really fun. THe food was sooo good. David came over later and we chilled.

I've been having an irregular sleeping schedule.

Oh, I have a new haircut, if anyone's curious.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenny! I decided to make a surprise appearance on your blog...and you thought I was dead. But no! I'm back from the ashes! (okay I've been playing too much x-men legends-that was an allusion to Jean Grey. Or perhaps I'm Aslan [aka Jesus Christ] who got resurrected) Anyways, my point, if I have one, is to wish you happy rest of your winter vacation. You're turning 21 in just a few weeks too, you old fart)

-Your lovable Stevil

PS I'm gay