Monday, January 09, 2006

So Theresa has been harassing me about posting about our shopping day. She really wants for 5 seconds of fame.

So we went shopping and I bought pantstheend lolthxbye.


Just kidding.

We met up at Red Brick Pizza, where I wanted something with olive oil, but then i ended up dumping off all the olive oil out. (Olive oil in my pizza, not just solid olive oil). And she got a meatworks pizza, cause she likes meet. uh. Meat. Damn.

Then we were very domestic and went to that place that sells stuff. Like bedposts and blinds and stuff. We discussed the merits of 4 post beds. If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you probably don't want ot know. Theresa's a perv.

Then Theresa picked me a reallly good pair of jeans from da Gap omgyaykekekeke. But then I found out my mom bought me jeans from Banana Republic.

Today we went to eat lunch w/ Brenden Theresa and Alex. I almost killed Theresa (or both of us) on the ride there, and the shrimp for lunch was good. I like fried things.

I was reading up on astrology today for 5 minutes, when I realized that I was being a total tool. So I stopped, and felt guilty.



uhh don't take that seriously. EVER.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah. You nearly killed me. And not deliberately, which could be excusable for getting us lost in Gardena. Or for mocking you constantly.

Is that enough comment for you?