Monday, November 20, 2006

Yale Trip

Was very very very fun.

I arrived late at Hartford, they made us sit on the runway for 30 minutes cause they had more planes than gates. Fools. Then I took a shuttle to Yale, and I met a fellow interviewee, so we chatted for a while. He was pretty cool.

Got to Yale, met up with Erica, checked into hotel, then had some Thai. Met up w/ David at Starbucks. Hmmmm it was raining and I kind of sucked and forgot to bring an umbrella, and Erica's noble umbrella died. My pant leg got REALLY wet and it was very upsetting.

Um, interview went well, I think. I hope. I really liked it - there were some tough/thoughtful questions, and I felt I did ok with them.

Tour was awesome. I really liked the school, so that was fun.

OK now's the fun stuff.

Erica and I wandered around New Haven trying to find me socks (laundry ate my socks, you know the story). And let me tell you, their campus is fricking BEAUTIFUL. I love the architecture, although Erica won't let up on letting me know that I didn't like Yale in hs. (I thought the architecture was creepy at the time. I think I was just trying to be anti-establishment. Or something).

Then DINNER w/ Shieh and Larsen at this pizza place. OH MY FUCKING GOD. Whoever came up with mashed potatoes and bacon pizza is a genius, please let me shake the guy's hand. It was SO good. That place had AMAZING pizza, and I got a beer called the "Toasted blonde." I don't know where they come up with these ridiculous beer names - it was light though. I'm not a big beer fan, but it goes well with pizza.

Met David's friends - they were really cool. It was then I found out that David has been referring to me as "Lesbian Jenny" for the longest time, and I was greeted as such. "So, you're lesbian Jenny." I guess it was slightly inappropriate that one of the first things we talked about was tagteaming david's mom. Well, you know, 99 apples and cranberry juice is the best thing ever.

then i got hungry and we went to this place and ate fries with the most amazing sauce. and then we hopped on over to an Asian snack place. And ate some more.


Of course, I am the queen of awkwardness, and while Erica was talking to her hip grad school friends, there was a lull in the conversation, and I said (to david): "I judge all my friends by their jawlines. I won't be friends with someone with bad jawlines. I can't stand it. You'll notice none of my friends have bad jawlines."

FOR THE RECORD - I really do value jawlines. That's why I was constantly whining about my chin, because I really really really like jawlines. Please do not let your chin fall into disrepair.

Then I totally crashed cause I was flying on 5 hours of sleep.

Saturday was pretty mellow.

I flew back at 5 AM in the morning, wtf. Got back to Cal at around 3 PM in the afternoon. And had dinner at around 7 PM at night.

Heh heh heh.

of course, I got sidetracked from my 6 page paper and went to smoke hookah for the first time. Let me tell ya, it's pretty awesome.

My paper is crap.

This is kind of a boring entry in retrospect, but i had fun, that's what matters.


Siamsa said...

Jenny, are we not seeing as much of each other because of flaws in my jawline?

Anonymous said...

Jenny, how do you know that the person who came up with potato and bacon pizza was a male?

You sexist ho.