Sunday, February 26, 2006

The meaning of friendship

So today I went to Joey's rugby game, and actually, rugby was really cool! It's like the good parts of football and basketball all combined. I reallly enjoyed watching it. but I'm getting sidetracked...

While trying to get a better view, I climbed to the top of a hill and watched the game with Joann. I was kneeling in front of a broken tree branch, and when I stood up, it carved a line into my butt. My ass crack is now 3 inches longer than it used to be. So there's this swollen red line on my ass right now - it's not very attractive.

Later, I went over to Alex's place to do some homework, and showed him and Brenden my battle scar. You know someone you know is a good friend if he washes the wound on your ass with alcohol, then iodine, then bandages it up.

I will admit, however, the fact that I was yowling and yelling bloody murder when Alex put the alcohol on probably made it sound like a bufu festival. And the frantic "You dropped it in my underwear?!" (the "it" in question is the bandaid) really amused Brenden, who couldn't see a thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Natural skin tone comments are so passe.
