Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Another "Jenny's crazy kids at the school she tutors at" story

So yeah, a student under my watch cried today. I'm not sure if it's my fault though. Anyway, so:

I was tutoring this math group of 4 kids, and basically they're just playing a board game. Pretty easy stuff even for a 1st grader, roll a die, move forward whatever spots. So I teamed this little boy and girl up, and I worked with another kid on the value of coins. I was pretty focused on that, so when I looked over at the boardgame group, the little girl looked like she was about to cry.

Apparently the boy was like "I win! 10 times! You won NONE! I win!" And was cheering. He wasn't being intentionally malicious, just happy that he's winning. Anyway, the girl was kinda upset, so she started crying. I think then the little boy noticed and felt really really bad, and was like "Oh um... nevermind nevermind. I don't win, I don't win." And he moved her piece to the end and threw his piece away and was like "see? you win! I lose. you win! see? Sorry sorry.... I don't want to play anymore...." in this really pathetic voice.

I diffused the situation by teaming the girl with her best friend, and teaming the little boy with someone else.

oh children.

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