Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Funny Dad quote just now:

"I don't like my women really skinny, and I don't like them really obese. I like them, you know, with some shape, some form. Yeah, but your mom is BY FAR the fattest girl i've ever dated."

My mom was a little indignant.

Hehe my family's funny.

So I've been coughing a lot lately, as you all know. In fact, I've been coughing for almost a month now, and sometimes I'll have these uncontrollable coughing attacks where i just double over and cough for like 2 minutes straight. That and my pulled muscle. Yay.

So I went to the doctor today, and she said I wasn't sick, but I have very severe allergies. Haaa. And I also have mild asthma, so apparently those uncontrollable coughing fits were mini-attacks. It also explains why I have felt lightheaded and dizzy for the past month - cause apparently it was a nasal infection.


Saturday, March 25, 2006

Too many entries

But I'd just like to say

I visited my high school last night, and our improv troupe was really amazing. They're better than the college groups I've seen, and even some professional ones. They were definately LOLers. But yeah. I don't think I can watch any other improv for a while until my snobbishness and sense of high school nationalism fades away.

As usual, my first day back is always a riot, cause at this point my parents are hilarious and awesome:

Me: Mom, you don't need to lose weight.
Mom: But I want to be BEAUTIFUL!
Me: ...
(2 second pause)
Mom: Look, I'm having a midlife crisis, ok? Can you just play along?

(all of it was in english except the play along part.)

Yesterday, my father found a giant ugly ass bug on the window. His immediate reaction was to grab his slipper and beat the living bug juice out of the thing, but then he stood there, freeze framed, armed with the slipper in his hand. Then he gave a resigned sigh, and said "I don't want to hurt you." He took a paper towel, carefully wrapped the bug in it, then went outside, letting it free. When he set the bug free, he spread his hands out, looking like a televangelist.

And it's times like these I think, "God, I have such a strange family." But it's pretty awesome, and it explains a lot.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Hehe yay fun!

So I went to a party tonight. I hadn't gone to one in a while, and I was kinda like "eh" before going. But today I was like "you know what, ima go, have fun, cause there's a whoooole bunch of people I haven't seen in a while and they'll all be there." So mostly it was really fun just to catch up with people and have fun dancing. I also met some new people, so that was fun. And I need to learn how to use new words other than "fun". But "recreational" just doesn't cut it. Mostly it was just seeing old friends, and that's what made it awesome :).

Ah some socialization that didn't leave me feeling awkward. But check this out, this was awkward:

I was like "Jenny, girl, you can go talk to a girl, it's not hard. Doesn't matter if she's straight, it's just practice. You can't rely on AIM and facebook forever." So I went to someone, and this was what I said (I left out their part of the convo)

"Uh hey. Oh ha, loud party huh? You gunna get stepped on, heh. yeah, er, what's your name? (by the way, I already forgot her name) Oh I'm Jenny. Ur. Ha, yeah. How do you know the hosts? Oh. Um, cool. Hey I'm gunna go mingle, it's nice to meet you."


So in case you forgot that I am the most awkward person in the world, here is a sample.

PS: You know that guy I mentioned in my blog last week who gave me his number? he's still hitting on me. He's one of THOSE guys. The ones who think they're hot stuff, and that I'm just desperate to jump into his pants? Oh GIRL, no. And I, no, he's really not that hot (David said, "So when you said he's hot... do you mean 'hot' as in Jenny Goggles 'hot'?" most of the time, David's unimpressed with whomever I find attractive), and I'm a bit disappointed. Eeee I shouldn't have told him that I'd call him, cause that'd just let him down. man, no wonder men hate women.

Shout out: Thanks to Derrick and Alec for hosting!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

eh I had an emo entry here about being awkward and insecure etc etc, but I got rid of it. :)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Eeee so now it hurts to like... be alive. Painkillers help a little. I'll ask a doctor sometime today. It's not gunna be a pleasant day.


Weekend update:

Studied a lot a lot Sat and Sun. Sat morning had Chinese brunch w/ Alex. Sunday, I have almost no recollection except maybe pages after pages of bio and MCAT stuff all day. Milano's where it's at. Sat night went to Stanford for acapella semi-finals w/ friends, damn there were A LOT of people there. Really good groups, though I was soooorely disappointed that Men's Octet didn't win. There's something about BYU that seriously EVERYONE sees that I don't. I really don't see the big deal! But it's ok.

And Joey got me a present. teeeeheheheehehehehe

Monday, March 20, 2006

So after coughing up chunks of lung for the past two, three weeks, one of my muscles finally gave. (I think it's an internal intercostal hey hey?). It's inconveniently right under my right breast, so whenever you see me cough, you'll also see me clutching at my right boob.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hey there,

Life's been good.
I've been really happy.
Things seem to roll of my back easier
I don't know, but, I just seem to be getting older and wiser lately.
Not as crazy as I used to be, and I meant crazy in a bad sense.
I hope this lasts forever

Silly post, I know, not that funny. Sorry :P

Back to your regular programming next post.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Bizarre Sort of Karmic Comedy

So today at the hospital, one of my coworkers slyly (though not smoothly), slipped a phone number into my pocket, saying that one of "his buddies" was checking me out. I was like "oh haha, whatever, Anthony, don't fuck around."

He wasn't fucking around. Later, he tried to make me talk to his friend on the walky talky (cause we work in the basement, and his friend works at the reception desk). And I was like "AHHHHH!" and ran away and went home. His friend waved at me on his way out. He was pretty attractive, actually.

So I'm having some issues with this:

Number one being...
1. I'm kinda gay. And he kinda is a guy. A hot guy, but yet, his main flaw being, he's still a guy.
2. But, if I don't reply, and I see him every week at work, I'm gunna look like a bitch.
3. As someone who has sent someone else an anonymous note and having it end up being completely disastrous, awkward, and yet enlightening experience. And having it ultimately resulting in my appearance as an absolutely creepy asshole, I'm feeling a little bit like a creepy person right about now (ok, it was a little out of my control, but still). I had this sudden realization that, "Hey, I probably looked like a creepy ass! I probably still do!"
4.At the same time, his friend seems nice, so I'm like "Eh I'd like to hang out w/ him, but he probably only wants ass."
5. Nope, still gay.
6. But at least I'm hot? :D

I don't know what to DOOOOOOOO!!!!


PS: YAY! My boss wrote me back!

Oh dear lord, I need some social competence right about now.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Okay so:

This is what's been up in my life - My life has, once again, taken a turn for the bizarre:

I've lost my voice for about 4 days now, and I can only manage high pitched squeals every once in a while. I'm very sick, and mostly I've just been coughing up a lung. Or feeling very very very lightheaded.

I'm housing a friend whom I haven't really spoken to or seen in 4 years. (Bizarre?)

I tried to test out my voice today while walking back home - I managed a high pitched "eeeeee". The girl walking on the same side of the street as me decided to cross the street and go on the other side.

I'm dying from my workload. I have to (this week):

  • Study for 2 quizzes
  • Study for 1 midterm
  • Go to acapella (ok not work, but I whine)
  • MCAT practices all over the place
  • read about 200 pages of bio/history/more bio
  • start on my 20 page paper due in a month
  • Find out wtf I'm doing this summer - ie apply to SURP and email my bosses... FIND INTERNSHIPS
  • Find profs to write recs for med school for me
  • Start a letter service at Career center
  • a month late in rent
  • Med school med school med school
  • Get reimbursed for the antibiotics
  • Whining and bitching (getting SOMETING done, at least)

Friday, March 10, 2006

Er, so my blog got hijacked yesterday. That's why I had the weird entry. But I'm gunna keep it there for artistic purposes. or something...

ANYWAY, I was SOOOO trashed yesterday. It was Theresa's bday party and Erica came up to visit me for Thurs and Friday, so we went to Beckett's and got FUCKED UP. I had a Long Island ice tea and I was GONE gone gone gone. Apparently I was yelling really embarassing stuff about myself in the bar, and the people next to us didn't like me that much. I was falling over laughing and drunk dialing Alex. Kinda lame later though, cause I got sick and came home at around 10:30, completely wasted. Joey was like "Jenny, that's pretty pathetic." So I fell asleep at around 11, and I woke up sporatically at around 2 or 3 wanting to barf pretty bad, but I didn't. I also didn't get a hangover.

Yeah, one long island ice tea (ok and a midori sour, but that's like drinking sugar). That got me.


Thursday, March 09, 2006

This is what happens when you let your friends write your blog for you.
It was a dark and stormy night,

My heart was torn apart by wild dogs who were rabid. And I was wallowing, oh so wallowing in my blood and gore. The PRESIDENT. Right I am in my time of need. Just like a fat kid loves cake. I was really upset cause I was totally blueballed by this 10 foot tall smurf. It was a really hard day. Then I started thinking how smurf's balls are blue all the time, so when a smurf has an erection. What is it called?

The end

PS Joey stayed home to comfort me in my time of need. Oh so much need.

PPS: Just kidding. no really.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Subjecting you guys to these silly things:



Monday, March 06, 2006

Watch out for some grade-whoring ahead

Ok, so many of you out there know I bitch about grades a lot, and often without grounds. So, this is your warning: if you hate it when I whine and moan about a B+, don't keep on reading.

So I got 2 midterms back recently, and both around A- range.

I'm peeved.

Because these are fairly easy classes, I feel. Mostly memorization. Don't get me wrong, actually, these are the most interesting MCB courses I've ever taken. It's nothing like those weeder classes where you get this unsettling feeling that somehow you've just got tricked into participating in a Japanese game show called "Social Darwinism."

But I digress. Why, then, is it so hard for me to study for these classes? Why am I lame in them? Ok, ok A- is not lame. But I actually like solid A's. They don't make you look over your shoulder, kinda like solid B's.

It's alright, I'll just pull it up later. *knocks on wood*

Ok, done whining. I'll be awaiting the burning effigies outside my window.

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Often, it's times like these when I have a sudden epiphany. I have found my purpose in life, I know who I am now, I have figured out all there is to life.

I exist solely for the entertainment of others. But you know what?

It's awesome. I tend to look at everything as an opportunity, and this an opportunity for a comic strip. I suppose this is why I always have so many stories to tell people. So chalk another one up for Chen.

Often, people would have this BS image of "yeah I'm cool. I have to be this cool, awesome charming person," but let me ask you. Where's the fun in that? Part of my charm lies entirely in my social-ineptness and bumbling ways. But I think I'm content being an inadvertant comedian.

Dignity is overrated anyway.

And I'm still laughing.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Wow triple post in one day.

But OMG Just saw Alvin Ailey show with Wayne. AMAZING! Effing AMAAAAAAZING! Like you're like OMG HOW IS THAT PHYSICALLY POSSIBLE! BUT IT IS! Wow. I have a newfound respect for modern dance. Wowie wow wow wow.... :) Literally why I said afterwards "wow... that was like... wow."
Oh yeah...

And remember how I really had to pee last week during my midterm? I got it back...

A-/A with the curve... not bad :)

Another "Jenny's crazy kids at the school she tutors at" story

So yeah, a student under my watch cried today. I'm not sure if it's my fault though. Anyway, so:

I was tutoring this math group of 4 kids, and basically they're just playing a board game. Pretty easy stuff even for a 1st grader, roll a die, move forward whatever spots. So I teamed this little boy and girl up, and I worked with another kid on the value of coins. I was pretty focused on that, so when I looked over at the boardgame group, the little girl looked like she was about to cry.

Apparently the boy was like "I win! 10 times! You won NONE! I win!" And was cheering. He wasn't being intentionally malicious, just happy that he's winning. Anyway, the girl was kinda upset, so she started crying. I think then the little boy noticed and felt really really bad, and was like "Oh um... nevermind nevermind. I don't win, I don't win." And he moved her piece to the end and threw his piece away and was like "see? you win! I lose. you win! see? Sorry sorry.... I don't want to play anymore...." in this really pathetic voice.

I diffused the situation by teaming the girl with her best friend, and teaming the little boy with someone else.

oh children.