Monday, March 06, 2006

Watch out for some grade-whoring ahead

Ok, so many of you out there know I bitch about grades a lot, and often without grounds. So, this is your warning: if you hate it when I whine and moan about a B+, don't keep on reading.

So I got 2 midterms back recently, and both around A- range.

I'm peeved.

Because these are fairly easy classes, I feel. Mostly memorization. Don't get me wrong, actually, these are the most interesting MCB courses I've ever taken. It's nothing like those weeder classes where you get this unsettling feeling that somehow you've just got tricked into participating in a Japanese game show called "Social Darwinism."

But I digress. Why, then, is it so hard for me to study for these classes? Why am I lame in them? Ok, ok A- is not lame. But I actually like solid A's. They don't make you look over your shoulder, kinda like solid B's.

It's alright, I'll just pull it up later. *knocks on wood*

Ok, done whining. I'll be awaiting the burning effigies outside my window.


Anonymous said...

Jenny's two obsessions: As and ass.

Jenny said...

Thanks, Johnson.

Anonymous said...

OMG, jenny... it's ok, though. it's your blog, and your right... though i *will* let you kno wthat most peoplke are very happy to get good solid B's, and even happier to get an a- over a b+. But you knew that. And I agree with therese.