Friday, December 14, 2007

I haven't had a scale while going to UCSF, mostly because I just forgot to bring my old scale from Berkeley. I figure it shouldn't make a big difference since I don't think my diet would change that much from college.

Recently, my pants have been feeling precariously tighter, and belts have started to become unnecessary. I huff and puff after running for a short while, and I figure, no problem, right? I'm just a little out of shape, maybe a little heavier.

So I come back home, and, with all my courage, got onto the scale.

I've gained 6 pounds. 6 pounds of Panda Express, pepperoni pizza, beers, and Beard Papa's cream puffs. 6 pounds of apple-shaped landscaping on my body.

When I told this to my mom, she said "Oh I wondered why you looked fatter."


on a separate note, she said "I hope no one thinks you have facial palsy."

I love my diva mother.


On a separate note, I'm actually looking forward to being antisocial over break, because I need to take advantage of my Netflix subscription since I haven't been using it while in school. And there's the Wii and the Zelda game that begs to be played until I bleed into my brain. Plus everyone's working or not back for a while anyways.

I have to go to my Dad's holiday work party and my mom's med school reunion some time over break. This will be a great people watching experience. That, and now there's a plethora of people whom I can judge.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

To eat today:

1. Large Pepperoni pizza
2. Salmon and rice
3. Watermelon juice cocktail
4. A Kit Kat bar

I don't know why I had such a junk food craving today. Maybe I'm pregnant.

And now I really want a hot dog wrapped in bacon.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I've only been back for 2 hours, but I already have...

a Mom quote:

"That's a shame really... she worked so hard for her career, put so much of herself into it. And then she goes insane. She loses it, all for ... all for... a stinky stinky man." - talking about that astronaut who lost it back in spring.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

That was a catty-ass post. Forget it. Sorry for anyone who had to read that bull.

Things are going well, life is good. I'm very very fortunate.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

So I haven't had much time to write in here lately, mostly cause summer was pretty good but I didn't have much to report, and med school basically ate my life as soon I started.

Things are going well, I think I passed my last midterm. Sometimes I do feel a little bit off though, because the average age of med school students is 25, and I'm only 22. I feel that I don't really have as much maturity or life experience in comparison to everyone else, and a lot of the time I wonder if everyone else thinks I'm such a childish person. Anyhow, life is life, what can I do, right?

Sometimes I do kind of just want to run away though, and move to another country or another state or just some other place. I don't know what makes me feel this way. I just feel I don't fit in anywhere, and I'm not sure what going to another country would accomplish, but I think it would help me figure out my place in life. I feel I'm buckling down and basically have the rest of my life written out already, but I have no idea who I am or what kind of person I am. I find myself being slightly irritated just in general at almost everything, and a little distant from the rest of the world.

Blah, I guess I'm just living in my head, and I need to get out a little.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still having a good time with friends and things are going well with the family, but something feel missing. Anyway, first time I write in a while and it's a whiny emo post. Lo siento.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I joined yoga as soon as I got back home.

I paid the fee and all that.

I came back home and did a google search just out of curiosity and it turns out it's a cult.


Oh well, I paid for 10 sessions - it's not like it's bad yoga. I might as well use it up. It'll be fun being temporarily in a cult anyway - besides, they didn't seem to be too interested in me. I'm too much of a frosty bitch.

Oh and it's a bit of a ripoff - I think that part makes me more angry than the fact that it's a cult. Steal my conscience, sure, steal my money? You assholes.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Going to hawaii for a week YAYERZ


I have mixed feelings about my new haircut. I've basically cleaved off half a foot of my hair, and now I look like a 50-something bitter suburban Asian matron with ungrateful American children.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Not a Terribly interesting Nerd/Geekfest

1. BBQ(esque) chicken.
2. Wine Chicken
3. Grilled Portobello mushrooms
4. Roasted Squash
5. Meat Loaf
6. Roast fish
7. Some Chinese Meat Sauce thing
8. Lemon Chicken
9. Roast Eggplant

Anime - (ha yeah, nerd power) - Currently watching Hikaru No Go
Finished Ouran High School Host Club

TV - Watching Freaks and Geeks
Finished Season 2 of House

Movies - Knocked Up
Pirates 3
Hard Boiled
Latter Days

Things did:
Went to LA Pride
Spa party(ies)
General hanging out in places... being useless, etc.

Summer is for doing absolutely nothing, I love it.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Adventure back home

Story from around a week ago:

Went jogging/running with Vicky after getting back into PV, around where the lighthouse is around here. Was pretty good, but I was pretty out of shape. And nearing the end of the run (or perhaps it was more like the middle, but regardless, it quickly became the end, because...), I noticed something sliding and slipping off of my neck.

It was my necklace, for those of you who probably know, I always wear a necklace with a jade piece on it. Not much of a jewelry person, but the jade piece is my 18th birthday present from my grandmother. Protects me from evil and such.

I pulled the chain from my neck and noticed that, oh shit, no jade piece was on it. One of the links had snapped and the jade piece had slipped out somewhere along the trail.

No, it couldn't have happened while I was sitting around, or at a coffee shop, it had to happen, while on a trail, and who the hell knows where it was?

So we retraced our path, back and forth, checking the sign posts, looking at the ground, and asking people. (There are some really nice elderly ladies walking around who wanted to help, but there was an awkward moment where these group of 3 women looked at us for 2 seconds and kept on walking).

Finally, we went to the whale watch center (yes we have a whale watching center), and nope, no luck there. But we did get suckered into a tour by a lady who was very very earnest about "the clever Indians" who used to live in our area before, well, you know. (was mildly offended, but that's just me)

Oh right, no necklace.

Walking kinda disgruntled out of the center, I noticed this slight chill against my sternum. A slight, dime-sized, jade-piece sized chill.

It was in my bra.

The entire time.

I lost a piece of jade in my boobs.

And I didn't realize for an hour.



Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Life after college, week 1

Eh, it's going to be a pretty boring entry since it's just going to be a list of things I've been doing and want to do (once again, an over-ambitious list that will go undone). I kind of want to keep a log of what I do, since I cannot remember for the life of me what I did the senior summer of high school. I'm assuming nothing (which is always nice), which is why I don't remember it.

Before I left Berkeley, I did a photo montage with Joey and Mike, that was fun. It's entitled "bitches", and just a brief little thing on how it got started. A few weeks before school ended, me and joey sat on the bench by the Campanile and were just chatting. Joey, for some reason, started beatboxing, and I started rapping (well, poorly), "Bitches on a bench, bitches on a bench, yeaaah." And came up with the characters in "bitches." Also, I watched some episodes of Freaks and Geeks with Rey; I really like it!

Drove back down to Socal last Wednesday with Theresa, and that was rife with word games and delicious delicious fast food (ok, breakfast at Jack in the Box was gross, but that's my fault for getting the worst biscuits ever). Basically reminisced a lot. My car tires were a little flat so we stopped by inflate, where I fumbled with the machine and was mostly puzzled the entire time, but we got home alive, miraculously. (And no speeding trouble this time ;) )

Once I got back home, well let's see... things I've been up to

Cooking!!!!! My dad used to cook dinner for us, but lately I've taken over as the head chef in the house, hehe. So far my repertoire includes (ok they're all really easy to make, gimme a break):

1. Chinese meat sauce
2. Grilled asparagus
3. Roast asparagus
4. Baked Squash
5. Chinese Chicken soup
6. Pan-fried chicken cutlets (aunt's recipe)
7. Dumplings

Other things I wanna try:

1. More chicken dishes
2. Fish
3. Steak sandwich?
4. Mashed potatoes
5. French Fries
6. Egg-drop soup.

Okay, fine, they're easy dishes, but I'm workin' on it, k?

Been jogging again, it's really really nice. I should start lifting again soon. Blah, i wish I had a stricter regimen for exercise while in college - I've gotten way too sedentary. It's nice to work out. Plus I tire out too quickly, so need to build up that endurance for my hiking trip in August.

Asia: Excited.

Shopping - got new pants, lots of new sandals, new monitor cause my old one broke. Unfortunately, my list of necessities (ok fine, not necessarily necessities) increases as my weeks progress and now I need (aka want) more button down short sleeves, shorts, new cross trainers.
Been watching: House, some anime
Been reading: Joan Didion, Y the Last Man
Saw: New Pirates movie, WTF?

Cleaned out my room
Donated some books

Basically hung out with people back at home, though, to be honest, I haven't really been terribly aggressive about it - I kind of just wanted time to myself for a while. Think I'll be more social in a bit. Too bad half of my friends are gone starting this Monday/Tuesday, oy.

I want to:

Visit museums and touristy spots in SoCal
Visit Berkeley
Clean out my room
Learn more Chinese
Figure some things out.
Oh and, sell my books.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

I wrote an emo post earlier about graduating then deleted it from the public eye, but dammit, I'm going to write another one. (How original!)

I can't do this. I can't leave. It's 1 AM right now and I'm losing sleep over how much I'll miss this place. I haven't been this distraught over leaving somewhere since I moved from Taiwan to the US. I was playing frisbee earlier today, and walking around Telegraph, and eating, and helping a friend move out, and just generally being around campus on such a beautiful day and I realized: I can't leave. I love this place.

How did 4 years go by so quickly? I remember freshman year better than all the other years (arguably even this one). How did so many things happen, but it felt like no time has passed at all since I got here? And how did I change so much (maybe for the better... well, hopefully) but not even realize that I've changed until just today?

It was too short, but I know if I stay any longer I will go insane/also won't be happy.

My neighbors upstairs have been vacuuming, and apparently now they're drilling. That I will NOT miss. What douches.

I remember being not too terribly concerned when others older than me graduated, and I didn't get what the big deal was. It's a hard feeliing to explain - it's a reluctant kind of sadness, but also a sense that you know that this was something inevitable that was going to happen and that there's no use fighting it.

I guess I just don't want to stay in my empty room any longer. I just want to go home, and delude myself into thinking that I'll still be coming to Cal in the fall.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Apparently he also gave us the adult channel. Comedic gold.
I made friends with the cable guy

So my internet and cable has been broken, ironically around one week before I move out. My technician showed up today, and said that I should have enzymes in my body. "Enzymes are good for you," he said, "you know where I can get some enzymes in a bottle?" As far as I know, I don't think they sell enzymes in a pill, but I told him maybe he can eat vitamins instead. He seems upset that he can't eat vitamins, and I went back into my room.

Then he yells from the other room, "are you doing homework, or are you tired of me already?" So.... I went into the room where he was fixing the cable, and we chatted. He talked about his son, who might be going to juvenile hall, and how he tells his daughters to do their best. He says that nowadays Juvie (Juvey? Juvy?) costs money to the parents, and it might even work. "Back when I was in Juvie, my mom didn't have to pay nothing." And "Oh, and I might get fired from my job because I have to go pick up my son everytime he gets into trouble. I find out today." Who votes to charge parents to pay for juvenile hall? This is the exact thing that exacerbates problems among high crime communities. Making their lives harder to live, probably will just send more kids into poverty, and more kids into crime. People make these decisions, because they assume that their kids will never get into trouble, and for the post part, they're right, but this doesn't solve the problem. Anyway, I digress...

His girlfriend then called him, and he didn't want to pick up, "Girl only wants my money... You gotta work hard, y'know? You can't go blaming other things, blaming other people. I work hard, etc."

"Hey, I got to get going but thanks for listening. Good luck in school" I replied, "Hey no problem, I like listening to people and their stories."


Then he stayed another half hour to tell me about the existence of UFOs and the Loch Ness Monster. They were really interesting, actually, and he really knew how to tell stories.

As he left, "Hey Jenny, you all right." Nicest compliment ever.

Oh, and I think he gave us free HBO and Showtime, but I'd have to check my bill first >.<.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

I suck at Spanish

Yesterday, our Spanish teacher passed out a sheet of paper with everyone's name on it. On that day, we were doing advertisements/commercials in Spanish on our chosen product (Coke, McDonald's...) And some people have already filled out "orange juice", "Cheese", "Plates." So naturally, I wrote down "shampoo."

Later on in the middle of the class, my teacher came up to me and said "Jenny, this is a list for the picnic we're going to have on Friday. Um, I don't think we need shampoo, can you bring napkins instead?"

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

My mother's day card says:

I actually remembered Mother's Day. This time. Don't get used to it.

Anyway, thank you for all that you have given me, including your genes. I hope you are having fun on your alumni website, and that your clinic will be very fortunate. I am so lucky to have a family like ours.


Awkward? I think so. I think she'll like it.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Knowing everything that I know now...

I would like to get into a time machine, and travel back to visit the confused freshman that was me all those years ago...

And I would punch the stupid bitch in the face.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Obligatory awkward moment of the week story. I'm so generous I even bolded the awkward for you:

Earlier that week:
Prof: Ok, your paper is due tomorrow at 3. Don't do it the last minute! I'll have the dropbox outside by office - so just come on by. DON'T TURN IT IN THE LAST MINUTE! Your work quality really suffers.

Later that week, at around 2:50:
Me (about to drop paper in dropbox when OUT POPS THE PROF): AH! Um, hi!
Prof: Hi! What's your name?
Me: Oh, Jenny...
Prof: Hi Jenny, turning in your paper?
Me: Yeah... haha turning in some last minute work (Why did I say that?)
Prof:... okaaay...
Me: *nervous laugh*


Prof: Jenny right?
Me: Yeah.
Prof: Thanks Jenny.
Me: *shuffle shuffle shuffle away*


Ok, I should update here. Nothing really to say though....

In the past week, I've had fun ...
Watching more Firefly with the usual suspects
Playing Frisbee at night
Drinking at a bar (once again bringing our own food... First Gouda, then Soy chips, what next?)
Playing Cranium
Watching some House
Cafe-ing and borrowing comic books hehe
Visiting my old employer from summer
Cleaning my room, yes! Pictures forthcoming.

I kind of hope my friends don't get tired of me hanging out with them almost every day this week.

I did not have fun...
Writing a 3 page Spanish movie review while having a bad day
Writing an MCB paper
Studying for MCB
Writing in general
Self-diagnosing myself with the DSM-IV

Over Spring break...
I got a manicure and a facial
Caught up with my hs teacher
evaded work
Saw my aunt and uncle
Planned out Asia trip with Erica
Read a lot

I'm RIDICULOUSLY excited about going to Asia this summer - Japan China Taiwan WHUT?! Hopefully I'll even see Sun while in China!

I might be doing an UCSF backpacking trip! It's been a while, so maybe I should get back into practice. It's funny, I hated being active in high school and I still suck tremendously at running but I am 200000 times more active than I was back then.

I was talking about this with someone, and they said they don't like to visit HS because they hated who they were back then. I agree.


I really want to do one of those "go off on your own and discover yourself" things. There's just a whole lot of things I want to figure out and fix about myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm more or less content with life, but some things just aren't quite right... and I've got to try to improve before I go into my high stress job, or even begin to think about helping others. I can be so much more than what I am now if it weren't for certain traits.

I WILL figure this out, gawdammit.
Sorry for being vague.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Ok, so many of you probably already know
but it is frickin' amazing - you type in a song or artist that you like, and it'll start a radio station to find other songs similar to it. It's awesome.

Ok, in other news, I'm home for spring break. Finally - I can recharge. I don't know why I'm so exhausted - I haven't been doing anything too stressful since I got into med school, but I guess I'm a bit glum about graduating. On the one hand, I don't really feel like hanging around as a student, but on the other hand, I also there's too many things left undone.


A couple of days ago while walking home from class, I saw a woman jogging with her dog. As her black dog came bounding up behind her, I saw that it was hopping a little bit. Then I saw that it was missing a hind leg, but it had no problem keeping up with its owner at all. In fact, it looked like it was rather satisfied with everything.

Literally one second later, I saw a man with only one arm riding a bicycle.

I don't know why, but that made my day. I think that was a nice thing to see.


Sometimes I wish I could just FIX myself.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm an idiot day!


So I misread an essay question on my psych midterm and answered it COMPLETELY WRONG.


THEN to top it off, today, at a cafe:

me: I'll take the egg sandwich, please.
Cashier: Ok, what kind of bread.
me: No bread.
Cashier: ... .... you ordered a sandwich.
me: OH MY GOD! I'm sorry! WHEAT!

SIIIIIIGH Why am I such a space case?

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Best weekend ever:

1. Sitting around all afternoon bumming around with Joey and Mike
2. Beer at Loony's! Never been there before, actually, it's actually a really awesome place.
3. Men's Octet w/ Theresa and Grace. I really really liked the Octet's version of "I Will Follow You Into the Dark." it was so damned pretty. I'm sad that I'll be missing ICCA, though :(
4. Clubbing with Wayne and Rey. I had sooo much fun just dancing around. No prospects, of course. But around halfway in, we started smelling the most amazing grilled onion smell in the world. When we left, we saw that there was this shady van sitting outside the club with two guys making hot dogs with onions. It smelled so good but I didn't get any since it was from these guys with a sketchy van. Rey did though, and apparently it had bacon on it. BACON ON HOTDOGS. OH MY GOD. That is the most amazing thing i've ever heard. Instead, though, we ended up going to Jack in the Box (or was it carl's junior) and got a milkshake and bacon hamburgers. Then we drove up past Lawrence Labs and watched the city lights and ate our food and just chatted. It was great.
5. Jack! Cassie brought her dog, a chihuahua mix, and I got to play with him Saturday morning. I took like, a million pictures, because he was the most adorable thing in the world. He can jump three times his height. The only thing was that he freaked out when we took him to Strada and had to tie him outside. AHH WHAT A CUTE DOG
6. Rugby game - I wasn't too into it at first, I admit, because I didn't understand the rules and it was moving quite slowly. So I went home and took a short nap, then came back and watched a really really exciting match. It was really hardcore. It's like football but faster and less protection.
7. Then went up the campanile with Joey and Mike (i'm such a third wheel). I don't know, it was super pretty and I took a lot of pictures, and the last time I was up there was the beginning of sophomore year. It was also really sad, though, when I realized that I was graduating. I saw all the buildings and had a little memory (or a lot of memories) about almost all of them. The games, dorms, everything. Actually, I take it back, graduating is making me really sad. It's like it's my last shot at everything and after this it's all gone. I'll really miss this place. I have so many regrets about the place, but at the same time, I had so many awesome times. It all balances out, but sometimes I'm afraid I'll never have this type of happiness again. Anyway, enough of being a debbie downer, onto...
8. Frisbeeeee! I can't believe I didn't get exposed to frisbee until 2nd semester senior year. SO much fun. Played for hours and hours and I was getting better. I wanna get my own and play it all the time. Too bad it needs more than one person or else I'd just play all the time (by myself, I wonder how that'd even work).
9. Dinner with Cindy, yay! I felt bad that I wasn't able to stop a creepy homeless guy from groping at her food, though. That sucked.
10. Surprise bday party for my improv director! It was fun, and I was really excited to have done my first keg stand. It's like my college career is now complete.
11. Lots of rehearsal today - I'm feeling like I'm finally getting it. Too bad it's now and not like, 3 weeks ago that I got it. SIGH. Oh well, trying my best - I'm having lots of fun though.
12. Went wandering the campus with Rey after getting yogurt park tonight. We went up to La Loma and tried to get into the old dorm, but the door was locked and we couldn't get in. :( I guess we really just wanted to reminisce and remember our freshman year when we moved in. It went by so fast.... how did it all happen like that?

Super tired - I'm gunna sleep now.

I wish I were a freshman again so I would appreciate everything... and done things differently. I also wish that I wasn't chasing after girls so much (the urge pretty much stopped after my MCAT stress kicked in). I would've rather been single my entire career in college and had them as friends that I actually got to know and hang out with instead of just a bunch of pissed off and/or estranged ex's (or non-ex's, as the case may be ;) ).

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


When I get stressed out, sometimes, I unhinge my jaw. Not intentionally - it just unhinges. Then it hurts pretty bad - then I have trouble eating, because I can't really open my mouth too wide.

Yesh, i mean now.

Joey gave me her shirt - I really like it! Thanks!

In class right now, very boring. I really wish I just got a coffee and came in late instead. I've had to stifle a yawn every 5 minutes, and right now I'd really like to just curl up on the desk and fall asleep. I'm so over school.


Excited about Alvin Ailey on Wed.!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Looking in the mirror this morning...

I realized that I'm fucked.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007







The worst of it is that it was true at one point in my life.


Anyway, I'm just really stressed with school since I've been procrastinating like no other this year. It's very unlike me and kinda bizarre, actually. I finished a 6 page paper last night and am in the process of writing another 1 page paper (ok it's nothing), both due in, oh 40 minutes.


I truly truly truly am so lazy. It's so weird because back when I was stressed out about med school and needing to get good grades, I was so on top of my shit. I'd get everything done like at least 3 days ahead of time, and start studying for a midterm at LEAST a week in advance.

I have a midterm tomorrow that I haven't even started studying for.

Anyway, that's boring. Life's going well. I can't wait to graduate sometimes, but sometimes I really don't ever want to leave.


What a spazzy spaz spaz. Weirdo.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Sometimes I wonder if zits can boil over and explode with the unbridled fury of 1000 volcanoes.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Adventuras en mi clase!!!


Teacher: So what's everyone doing for valentine's day? I'm going to a red light party, can someone tell me what that is? Jenny?

Me: It's um... well, when the light is red, the car stops and umm...

Teacher: Very good, Jenny, but I meant a red light PARTY.

Monday, February 12, 2007

New Format! How exciting.

I decided that I'll mostly post funny/embarrassing stories instead. They're more fun.

From my away message:

Me in spanish class today:

Background: We were supposed to unscramble sentences in spanish.
And I was first.

Prof: Jenny?
Me: Um, restaurant does reservation have to?
Prof: Um, unscramble it.
Me: (silence)
Me: Lo siento.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


2 things:

First, my GSI for MCB 165 is hiLARious. For some reason, not many people found her funny, so maybe it's just me.

"Okay, so there has to be another way to increase receptors on the synaptic surface right? Alternatives are good. Ok, well, i don't mean to give you guys relationship advice, but I just want to say, that if your partner gives you an ultimatum, NUH UH, that's BAD. Because that means they're not flexible, and they'll make your life totally miserable. So. Yeah, alternatives are good. Anyway..."


"And here's a glial cell, so what is it doing here? Well, God has plans for everyone..."


"Sometimes, when we pray, it feels good, like if you're christian, and you're praying... Not that there's anything wrong with praying. Praying is good. I'm a Christian myself."


Other than that, I had a totally bizarre dream.

I was in my spanish class, and everyone was speaking spanish. But I shall write this in English anyways. Our prof asked "So, if you can grow a field of ANYTHING, what would you grow?"

Guy 1 says "I would grow a field of money, so I would be rich."

Girl 1 says "I would grow a field of flowers, because flowers are pretty."

All this time, our prof seems unimpressed.

Then me: "I would grow a field of rice, to feed ALL the hungry children in the world."

Then my prof gave me a standing ovation and was like "See? See this person? This is the type of person we want in this world. The rest of you? WORTHLESS! Wow. Just wow."

Yeah........ WEIRD.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

EDIT: I cut out the emo. Pardon the mess.

let's see, I think I've been sleeping weird on my side so my left side is numb every morning I wake up. It kinda sucks.

I really really want to watch Fox and the Hound, but I don't think anyone actually wants to suffer through that with me.

I'm really excited about this semester, but I'm also sad that it's over. Life is good.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I have a terrible and irrational fear that no one likes me. AHHHHH!


Saturday, January 27, 2007


you know what's weird. I like these really horrible Gwen Stefani songs now.

Dance dance dance shame.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Quick post before sleeping:
so happy. This is who I've always wanted to be. This is where i've always wanted to be. Everything is right. I'm glad. I've finally got to do all (ok, most) of what I've wanted out of college.

Let's end this semester good, people.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


no posting in a while. I think this is the first time I didn't post for this long on this blog. Anyway, break's been really really good, hence the absence. I think I really needed the break from the topsy-turvy-ness that was my fall 2006 semester.

Anyway, I had a lot of downtime, and as I had promised myself, I played lots of FF XII and watched season 1 of HOUSE (though the last DVD broke. It made me so sad, so I have to see it when I get back to school).

Hung out with friends, visited Joey in San Diego and she visited me up in PV. Ummm went to Hollywood a few times, once for clubbing and once for touristy things. And then we went to a hat shop! My head's too big for hats.

Visited family, saw people and went and did things, etc etc.

I think the highlight of my vacation must be, and I admit this sounds a little "old woman", but is to hang out with my mom and dad. Getting coffee every morning with my dad was really relaxing and just nice to talk to him and realize that he's a real person. I know it sounds silly, but pretty often parents seem like, well, parents, and at least for me it was easy to forget that they have political and religious views and opinions, and of course, lives. It was a good way to get to know him, I feel. That part made me never want to leave home.


Back at school now. Iono, some of my classes are kind of disappointing, but at least they aren't all. My schedule works outkind of weird, and I'm feeling mixed about it. I have one class on Friday, but it's mandatory attendance etc etc, but ohhhhh 3 day weekend! SO TEMPTING to just drop it.

Mel came to visit for a few days, and that was nice. Having her meet my friends and I met her friends, etc etc. Went on a power SF trip - Pier 39, Ghiradelli Square, Chinatown, Metreon and whatnot.

On the first day of school, I told on of the flyering/tabling people that I can't join his club because I have rabies. That was oddly satisfying for some reason.

I'm keeping a busy semester this year - doing all the things I meant to do but didn't have the time to. I think it'll be good for me - I was pretty stressed out for basically... the entirety of 2006.


New Year's Resolutions:

1. Be less judgmental
2. More social
3. More assertive
4. relaaax
5. Run regularly instead of intermittently, and this goes for EVERYTHING I DO AHHHH
6. Be on the meat market again. Heh. :) Well, mostly kidding, it's my last semester so this type of thing doesn't really even matter anymore, personally.
7. Don't fail Spanish
8. Clean my room.
9. less self-conscious
10. Lose 5 pounds. Gain more muscle mass.
11. Read books and keep up with news
12. Not be a perfectionist though I think I fail that already by making 12 new year's resolutions that I probably won't keep.
13. Less emo. Which leads me to...

Ok we all get emo, we all get sad, depressed, whatever. I have a tendency to be pretty damn emo, but I feel weird (now... this didn't used to be the case) about posting that kind of crap on a blog. I mean, it's a public place, however journal-esque it is, and really, there's more (unbelievably) to me than that. So what I do is write it down somewhere and store it so NOBODY WILL EVER SEE IT except me, duh. And I read one today, and I actually couldn't keep on reading it. It made me really embarrassed. It's just funny how that works.

Still, it's nice to know where you've been, where you're going, and just think of all the events that make you who you are.